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Recycle + Love = Connection

Recycle+Love = Connection

By Nour Hassan

Hassan, N. (2016). The green living magazine (1st ed.). Auckland: Green Living Network Publication. Retrieved from

‘Recycle+Love=Connection,’ written by Nour Hassan is an article from a coffee table book magazine, ‘The Green Living’ magazine – March/April 2016 edition. The purpose of the magazine is to feature the details, stories and articles of the events to be held in the annual ‘Green Living Show’ at ASB Showgrounds on 2nd and 3rd July 2016. In Nour Hassan’s article, she introduces her Eco fashion line

‘Nourhassan’ and tells her story in how she came up with the fashion line. ‘Nourhassan’ is the fashion label of Nour’s collection where she connects with ethical clothing labels to collect fabric scraps from unwanted garments, and gathers the community together to create blankets for charity. Nour’s background in fashion, concern for the current issues of recycling and her initiative to connect people with each other forsees her success in creating a highly initiative solution. There are currently no recycling system implemented to collect fabric scraps, thus, this makes Nourhassan an excellent expression of unity that will evolve and grow to help bind a community to realise a issue on waste and to feel rewarded when they give back to charity.

The source is not from a academic resource, therefore the legitimicacy is judged based on the experience of the Fashion designer and Director of ‘Recycle+Love=Connection’, by Nour Hassan. Nour Hassan’s article is written in first person based on her personal experience, she has been involved with the clothing industry for three years particularly on ethical clothing designs with a primary focus on sustainability. Nour is a Fine Arts graduate from Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design with a fashion design major. She is the Founder of ‘Recycle+Love=Connection’ initiative for the clothing fashion line for seven months now.

I chose to read this article as I plan to go to the ‘Green Living’ event at ASB Showgrounds. The Green Living Show is a bustling market place, complete with presentations, networking opportunities, samplings and tastings to inform and deliver a day of information about sustainable living for families, individuals and businesses. This article is highly relevant for me as I am currently writing my blog about my involvement in volunteering as a retail assistant for the ‘Cancer Society pre-loved Boutique’ in Howick. Nour’s article and initiative of the project makes me appreciate my volunteering efforts and realise that waste in clothing aren’t often considered as much as food waste or inorganic waste. I feel like the terms ‘waste in clothing’ is not relevant to say anymore, it should be reworded to ‘pre-loved’ clothing. It’s quite incredible that one student’s idea could expand as wide in showcasing her own fashion line to the wide and popular expo event.

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