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Make your green mark


Blog - Ways to Engage in Public Space

Bennett, N. (1997). Teaching through play: Teachers' thinking and classroom practice. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Debord, G. (2012). Society of the Spectacle. Bread and Circuses Publishing.

Gold, R. (2016, June 4). Benefits of writing poetry. Retrieved from

Mikoleit, A., & Pürckhauer, M. (2011). Urban code: 100 lessons for understanding the city. MIT Press.

Blog - Integrating Imagination into Space

Anthony Flint,. (2014). The wildly successful Lawn on D Street is a temporary park that took no tedious city planning. Should we let more urban design emerge organically?. Retrieved from

De Cauter, L., & Dehaene, M. (2008). The space of play. Heterotopia and the city: Public space in a postcivil society, 87.

Flint, A. (2014). Wait Your Turn for the Swings at Boston's Adult Playground. CityLab. Retrieved 5 June 2016, from

Harvey, D. (2012). Rebel cities: From the right to the city to the urban revolution. Verso Books.

MPM Projects,. (2016). This project comprises of two components including the creation of the "linear park" on Daldy Street providing a park, walkway and cycleway within its public open space environment and the amenity upgrade to the existing Daldy Street & Halsey Street road reserves.. Retrieved from

Sarah Price Landscapes » Cadogan Cafe Central London. (2016). Retrieved 5 June 2016, from

The Cultural Reader: Foucault's concept of heterotopia. (2011) Retrieved 6 June 2016, from

Wraite+Associates,. (2016). Jellicoe Street, North Wharf & Silo Park. Retrieved from

Blog - Reflecting on Make Your Green Mark

Child, J. T., Pearson, J. C., & Petronio, S. (2009). Blogging, communication, and privacy management: Development of the blogging privacy management measure. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(10), 2079-2094.


De Cauter, L., & Dehaene, M. (2008). The space of play. Heterotopia and the city: Public space in a postcivil society, 87.

Douglas, A. (2016). An Urban Blog. Lecture, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand.


Flatley, M. E. (2005). Blogging for enhanced teaching and learning. Business Communication Quarterly, 68(1), 77-81.


Hauser, Gerard A. (1999). Vernacular Voices: The Rhetoric of Publics and Public Spheres. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. p. 61; a similar formulation is found in: Hauser, Gerard A. (June 1998), "Vernacular Dialogue and the Rhetoricality of Public Opinion", Communication Monographs 65 (3): 83–107,doi:10.1080/03637759809376439ISSN 0363-7751., p. 86. See also: G. T. Goodnight (1982). "The Personal, Technical, and Public Spheres of Argument". Journal of the American Forensics Association. 18:214-227.


Home - Josephson Institute of Ethics: Training, Consulting, Keynote Speaking. (2016). Josephson Institute of Ethics: Training, Consulting, Keynote Speaking. Retrieved 13 June 2016, from


Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2005). Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential learning in higher education. Academy of management learning & education, 4(2), 193-212.

Lydon, M. & Garcia, A. (2015). Tactical urbanism: Short-term action for long-term change. Washington, Covelo, London: Island Press.


Nardi, B. A., Schiano, D. J., Gumbrecht, M., & Swartz, L. (2004). Why we blog. Communications of the ACM, 47(12), 41-46.


Obrist, H. U., Raza, A. (2014). Prologue: The way things go, &, Invisible cities. In, Ways of Curating. London: Allen Lane/Penguin.


Zhao, D., & Rosson, M. B. (2009, May). How and why people Twitter: the role that micro-blogging plays in informal communication at work. In Proceedings of the ACM 2009 international conference on Supporting group work (pp. 243-252). ACM.

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